Built by ENA Type Test Verification Report Register Version 1.1

This website is now closed for new entries.

It holds certificate and test documentation for products related to small scale electricity generation in the UK market including PV panels, wind turbines etc, that were connected to DNO networks before 27 April 2019.

A login is NOT required for read only access to this information, which can be accessed via the BROWSE PRODUCTS button to the left.

Note that on or after 27 April 2019 only G98/G99 compliant equipment will be accepted for connection applications. G59/G83 type tested equipment submitted on this site will no longer be accepted for connection applications. On or after 27 April 2019, all equipment connected to the DNO networks must be compliant with G98/G99. Manufacturers are asked to ensure that they register their equipment on the new G98/G99 Type Test Register in preparation for this.

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has developed and hosts the site in order to promote product identification and information sharing but it is the responsibility of the product manufacturers to upload and maintain data and documentation relating to their products.

The ENA is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the product information held on the site.

Click HERE to browse the products held in the system.

For all queries relating to the system, please contact [email protected] .
Manufacturer's Login Email: Password: MANUFACTURER LOGIN BROWSE PRODUCTS (Read Only access. Login and password not required)