The ENA Product Assessment System is a web application developed to manage the process of assessing the conformity of switchgear and protection products and to issue notices of conformity for these products once they have been assessed as conforming to the applicable ENA, British and International standards. Switchgear products are assessed by the Switchgear Assessment Panel (SAP) and protection products are assessed by the Protection Assessment Panel (PAP).
The system has been developed by the Energy Networks Association (ENA) for its members which operate the electricity wires, gas pipes and energy system in the UK and Ireland. The SAP and PAP are drawn from ENA member companies (principally Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)) and they assess products on the basis that they are potentially of interest to ENA members for intallation on their networks.
Manufacturers wishing to sell switchgear and protection products into the UK and Irish markets will need to submit data and documentation to the system to enable the panels to assess their products. The system retains all such data and facilitates its assessment by panel members. It also facilitates communication between the manufacturer and assessors.
There is no anonymous access to the system. Users requiring access should contact their company administrator or the EPAS administrator.
If you are already a registered user, please use your email address and password to login and use the 'Reset Password' function if you've forgotten your password or fear that it may have been compromised. Two Factor Authentication is implemented by sending a code to the email address used for login.
To request an account or with any other enquiry, please contact the EPAS Administrator (email: [email protected]; tel: +44 (0)20 4599 7700).