The only persistent cookie stored on the user's PC by the ALoMCP is the one that is used at login to prefill the user's email address. This facilitates login but serves no other purpose. The user can choose not to have this cookie stored by ensuring that the 'Remember Me' check box is unchecked when logging in to the system.
Session cookies are used in the site to retain essential data as the user navigates. This includes a user identifier and other non-personal information core to the user experience such as the last page or tab visited or viewed. The use of session cookies enables the system to display the relevant information and enable the correct functionality for the logged in user. These session cookies expire when the user logs out. They also expire when the session has been idle for 20 minutes or more. If the session expires, the user will need to log in again to continue using the system.
All registered user data is held securely on the site and is never passed to third parties other than as laid out in our privacy policy.
No third-party data analytics or any other third party tools designed to collect data for marketing or any other purposes are implemented on the site.