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ENA Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP)

The Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP) ended on 1 Sep 2022 and this site is now closed.

As part of the UK's energy transition, all owners of generating sites in Great Britain are required to ensure that their installations are compliant with Engineering Recommendation G59/3-7.

If your equipment is already compliant, please confirm by submitting a declaration directly to your DNO.

If not, please ensure you make the changes as soon as possible to avoid enforcement action. You can find more information on how to achieve compliance here.

The contact details for each DNO can be found here, and a knowledge base of device manufacturers relevant to the programme can be found here.

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) is the trade association for the energy networks. Our members own and operate the wires and pipes which carry electricity and gas into your community, supporting our economy. For more information about the ENA, please visit the corporate website.