ENA Type Test Verification Report Register

All Users

This page enables access to all data available in the system and is available to all site visitors. Manufacturers and system administrators can add and/or maintain product data on this page if they have logged in. Click the Log Out button to return to the login page.

The list of products shown on the page can be filtered by the following four criteria enabling all users to quickly find the product they are researching as long as it is has been registered:

  • Model Name or Number: To search for a product with a known model name or number, enter it in the 'Product ID/Model' field then click the [GO] button. The filter applies a wildcard search so will also work on fragments of either the model name or number.
  • Manufacturer: Select the manufacturer in the drop down box and the system will automatically filter the list by the chosen manufacturer.
  • Product Type: Select the product type in the drop down box and the system will automatically filter the list by the chosen product type.
  • Product ID: The product ID is allocated when products are submitted and used as an identifier throughout. If searching for a product with a known Product ID, enter it in the 'Product ID/Model' box and click the [GO] button. A wildcard search is applied so fragments of the ID can be entered.

Clicking on any one of the underlined white column headers in the product list will sort the list by the column selected. A first click sorts in ascending order, a second click sorts in descending order.


Once logged in, manufacturers are automatically taken to a list of their own products registered in the system. If no products have been registered, the list will be empty. Manufacturers can also click the 'SWITCH TO BROWSE MODE' button in order to view the full list of products registered in the system but in this view the VIEW/EDIT button is suppressed until the 'SWITCH TO EDIT MODE' button is clicked.

Click the 'ENTER NEW PRODUCT' button to register a new product. Enter the appropriate data in the fields that appear below the table. Tooltips are provided that popup when the cursor is hovered over any field. Note that the manufacturer of any new product is set to the manufacturer that is set with your login details and cannot be changed. Please contact a system administrator if there is an issue about the pre-set manufacturer. Also note that it is mandatory to upload certificate and type test documentation as a single PDF file. Files of different format will not be accepted. When finished click the [SAVE NEW PRODUCT] button to register the product. If any validation errors are reported, correct them before trying again. When the submission is successful, the system will display a message confirming the registration and the product will immediately appear in the table above. The Product ID is created automatically by the system and is used as a unique identifier.

To modify an existing product record, locate the product using the filters as explained above and click the VIEW/EDIT button against the product that needs to be modified, make the necessary changes and click the 'SAVE CHANGES' button. If the attached document needs to be replaced, use the BROWSE button to locate the new PDF document in the Upload Document field before clicking the 'SAVE CHANGES' button. This automatically replaces the existing document with the new one. All such changes are logged and and superseded version of the product data and any attached documents are kept in the system and are available to system administrators.

To remove a product from the system, click the VIEW/EDIT button against the product to load it and then click the [DELETE] button below the table and OK the confirmation prompt once you are satisfied that you are deleting the correct product. Once deleted the product will immediately disappear from the table above. As with modifications, an audit record of deleted products is kept and is available to system administrators.

System Administrators

Use of the product administration page by system administrators is much the same as it is for manufacturers except that system administrators can register new products on behalf of any manufacturer and can likewise amend/delete products on behalf of any manufacturer.